About Me

Kiran this side.
Welcome to this small summary of "Tell me something about Yourself".
Firstly let me introduce myself without taking much time of yours.
My name is Kiran Kumar Sahu and I am perusing Masters in Computer Application with AI/ML specialization. Basically my hobby is Photography but to fulfill my hobbies I want a job which will justify my skills too. This is my resume comprising of all the details of my academic timespan. I hope you gonna checkout my skills as mentioned below. I am also having an active participation on LinkedIn. So, you can also find me and my certifications on LinkedIn.
Thank you

  • Machine Learning
    Creating Models using Machine Learning Algorithims
  • Deep Learning
    Working on Neural Networks
  • Power BI
    Designing Interactive Dashboards to visualize the datasets
  • 2017 - Current [Machine Learning Intern]
    Deep diving into Machine Learning Models
  • 2024 Mar - June [Data Science Intern]
    Creating Models using Machine Learning. Working with Supervized and Unsupervized Machine Learing models
  • 2023 Oct - Dec [Web Developer Intern]
    Designing Interactive Websites using HTML, CSS and Javascript
  • BCA
    Learning Core concepts about Copmuter Programiing
  • MCA AI/ML Specialization
    Heading towards creating models and working with AI

My Works

Road Accident Dashboard

Excel SQL

Gaming Components Shop Dashboard

SQL Power BI

Atlitic Hardware Dashboard

Excel SQL Power BI

Facial Recognition System

Python Jupyter Notebook Open CV

Credit Card Fraud Detection

Python Jupyter Notebook

Movie Recomendation System

Python Jupyter Notebook

Diabeties Prediction System

Python Jupyter Notebook

Audi Car Price Prediction

Python Jupyter Notebook

Movie Genre Classification

Python Jupyter Notebook

Credit Card Fraud Detection EDA & FE

Python Jupyter Notebook

SMS Spam Classification

Python Jupyter Notebook

Iris Flower Classification

Python Jupyter Notebook

Titanic Survival and Deaths Prediction

Python Jupyter Notebook

My Certificates